Lakeside Pavilion at Sun City Grand
Fast Flight Facts
Target Species: Wintering waterbirds as well as migrants
Elevation: 1290'
Habitat: Golf course ponds with surrounding neighborhood parks and paths.
Overall Birding Rating: 2
Difficulty: 1
Birding Type: Simple Walking
Facilities: Parking and paved paths
Fees/Ownership: None/Sun City
Closest Town or City/How far from Phoenix: Sun City /24 miles northwest of Phoenix
Getting there: Best accessed by taking Remington Drive completely to the west at a dead end parking area
Overview: Located in Sun City Grand, Lakeside Pavilion is a good stop for checking for wintering waterbirds and migrants in season. While most of Sun City is a private community, this Pavilion is public accessable and is an easy walk for everyone and is handicapped accessable. The Pavilion has a walking path that runs for a fourth of a mile. It is alongside a few ponds that border a golf course. Along the path are also several lines of large trees that would be attractive to migrants. The ponds can be viewed from the Pavilion and by walking down the path conditions are excellent for viewing wintering waterfowl.
The Lakeside Pavilion birding wise will attract waterfowl, Spotted Sandpipers, swallows, and other waterbirds on or near the water. The surrounding area is good for Costa's Hummingbirds. Several rarities have been found here in recent years, including two Golden-crowned Sparrows and a Tennessee Warbler (Dominic Sherony).
Birding Tip: Birding the area is very easy. Walk down the main path along the pond for seeing more waterbirds and check the trees for any songbirds and migrants.
Directions: Take Grand Avenue (US 60) west to Sun City Grand. Turn south on Sunrise Avenue. Sunrise heads in the southwestern direction for one mile until Remington Drive is reached on the west side of the road. Turn west (right) on Remington Drive. Remington Drive curves once turning left and heads in the northwestern direction. Take Remington for 0.4 miles until it dead ends at Lakeside Pavilion. Find a parking space and bird around the Pavilion.
Lakeside Pavilion Maps
Scenes and Sights from Lakeside Pavilion at Sun City Grand:

Birdlife of Lakeside Pavilion at Sun City Grand:
Golden-crowned Sparrow (rare in Arizona)
